Nigerian Medical and Healthcare Professionals in Diaspora (UK/ROI) NMHPD annual educational symposium and General Conference: Here we address current healthcare issues. These events also provide education and training and CPD points for our members.
Our Medical Missions include annual NMHPD training week and hands on medical engagement with the healthcare professionals in Nigeria. These offer opportunity for active engagement with Nigerian Healthcare workers and in private and public health institutions.
There is ample opportunity for social interaction with healthcare professionals in different specialties and different parts of the United Kingdom. NMHPD offers Coaching, Mentorship, advice on career pathways, and guidance on clinical and academic publications with opportunities to be co-author.
The focus of the mentoring relationships is expected to be:
Personal development planning
Networking online within specialist email user group (e.g. Physicians, Nurses, Radiographers, Pharmacists, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, Operating Department Practitioner
Academic collaborations in research and publications.